voting system
Wireless voting system Elector is a fast and reliable way to conduct votings, polls, contests and proceedings. The system handles coordination of vote casting, automatically counting results and instantly presenting them to the audience as well as providing export function.
Wireless voting system Elector is a fast and reliable way to conduct votings, polls, contests and proceedings. The system handles coordination of vote casting, automatically counting results and instantly presenting them to the audience as well as providing export function.
Why Elector?
Drastic reduction of voting time, results available within a few seconds
Appealing data presentation
Reliable system of votes counting, 100% error free
Electronic transcript of proceeedings, store, export and print functions
Intiutive user experience, simple terminal and easy to use software
Wireless, encrypted communication and option to vote online
Simplicity and optimized design of devices
Custom made software

Elector Combo

750 deployments
Politechnika Warszawska - Wydział Fizyki 2016
Politechnika Gdańska - WILiŚ 2016
Starostwo Powiatowe - Pułtusk 2018
Uniwersytet Muzyczny F. Chopina 2020
MZK Zatoki Gdańskiej 2019
Starostwo Powiatowe w Mińsku Mazowieckim 2018
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