Family start-up made in Poland
Wireless voting system Elector is a fast and reliable way to conduct votings, polls, contests and proceedings. The system handles coordination of vote casting, automatically counting results and instantly presenting them to the audience as well as providing export function.
Our Story
project to rebuild user interface of main application based on HTML5 / CSS3 / Electron technologies
deployment of new device case produced by injection molding based on our own design
extension of system by remote control of microphones and proceedings moderation module
experimental integration of fingerprint reader in our devices - not deployed due to low customer demand
first system using infra-red (IR) communication, 8051 microprocessors and main application in C++
in the face of COVID-19 lockdowns we extended the system with WWW interface allowing online voting through internet browser
integration with TV system, camera control and online video streaming, extension of mobile app with voting and discussion agenda control features
creation of mobile application allowing votings with mix of tablet / phone and physical terminals
switch to new radio module RF12B significantly improving speed and reliability of communication with terminals
order from second customer who saw our first system in action, rebuilding of all components from scratch using radio communication, main application rewritten in .NET
first joint projects of Kamil and Grzegorz related to CNC metal drilling machines
Nasz Team

In Elector handles software and technical parts of integrating all system mobdules as well as leading works of research and development team.
Interested in computer programming since early childhood and epoch of 8-bit computers, olympiad and programming contests finalist. Graduated at Universty of Wrocław with Masters' Degree in Computer Science. His work experience includes position of Staff Software Engineer and Tech Lead at Google. He is developing start-ups.

In Elector handles design of electronic and physical components of the system, oversees production, presentation, sales and customization of the system to customers' needs.
Inventor passionate about electronics. Creator of self-designed electro-mechanic devices. Graduate and ex-employee of Technical University of Gdańsk.
Sky is no limit

Our company was created out of a need. In 2002 when Technical University of Gdańsk couldn't handle all their time consuming votings, we decided to help by creating a first, dedicated device for wireless voting. We developed and improved it to fulfil customers' requirements. Organically four variations of the system evolved all with their unique functionalities. During over a dozen years we gained trust and appreciation of our customers. But we are not stopping. Every day we are doing development work of our system, such that it's the most functional and comprehensive product on the market.